In Which the Superyacht Comes With Its Own Airship

Well that's an interesting take on a tender

In Which the Superyacht Comes With Its Own Airship

In Which the Superyacht Comes With Its Own Airship

By Alex Lauer

One cliché about superyachts is that they’ll make you come across as a bit of a villainous douchebag, what with the fortress-like designs, on-deck hot tubs and roving, surreptitious locales.

But the new Dare to Dream design from George Lucian is the consummate evil-mastermind vessel for one reason alone: the numerous means of escape.

First, there’s the airship (not sure if it’s a blimp or Zeppelin, though). Dubbed the “Flying Diamond,” it could measure up to 330 feet in order to be tethered to the 460-foot-long ship. Should the weather not cooperate, there’s also a helicopter and normal-sized speedboat stationed on the deck. Of course, that wouldn’t allow for the potential capacity of 12 guests and 40 crew members to cut and run.

Dare to Dream (4 images)

In talking with Lucian, CNN writes much of the designer’s inspiration stems from his perception that “the elegance and tranquility that cruise liners and airships offered at the beginning [of] the 20th century has been lost.”

George, buddy, we’ve got some bad news for you.

But also some good news: to rephrase the great philosopher Albus Dumbledore, elegance and tranquility will always be given in this world to those who can pay for it.

Unfortunately, even for those with the means of purchasing Dare to Dream, it is, as the name suggests, just a dream — for now.

Renderings by George Lucian

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