This Viral Wrapping Paper Hack Is Surprisingly Obvious

This extremely simple present-wrapping hack is going to save Christmas

wrapping paper hack

Gift wrapping just got several thousand times easier.

By Kayla Kibbe

Do you have seven seconds to talk about our Lord and Savior, this viral gift wrapping hack that is about to make the next several days of our lives exponentially less frustrating?

As the Cut reported Tuesday, the world is losing its collective mind over a seven-second video tweeted earlier this week by British book retailer Waterstones revealing a surprisingly obvious solution to one of the most common gift-wrapping dilemmas known to man.

When confronted with the all-too-common problem of having foolishly cut a piece of wrapping paper that’s too small for the gift you’re trying to cover with it because your idiot brain has no spatial reasoning skills, most of us just wastefully cut a bigger piece (which is now probably too big because overcompensation) and/or give up, abandon our families and disappear into the woods never to be seen or heard from again.

But INSTEAD, as the video has revealed, we could simply rotate the gift diagonally and fold in the corners, rather than the sides. Sounds fake, I know, and you won’t believe it until you see it, so just watch the video, because seven seconds right now could save you yards of wrapping paper and hours of rage later. Will it make you feel dumb? Yes, very. Will it be worth it? Also yes.

Apparently we’ve all been wrapping gifts wrong our entire lives, but that’s okay. Like Ebenezer Scrooge himself, we have finally seen the light, and there’s still time to change.

The hack is designed for rectangular-shaped presents, like books or garment boxes, so you’re still on your own when it comes to wrapping that wine bottle or loose trumpet. But still, this embarrassingly obvious hack is about to literally save Christmas, please give it its own animated holiday special.

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