This Surf Hotel in a Truck Chases the Swells Wherever They Go

Don't worry, check-in’s at low tide

This Surf Hotel in a Truck Chases the Swells Wherever They Go

This Surf Hotel in a Truck Chases the Swells Wherever They Go

By Tanner Garrity

One of the biggest trends in the travel industry is to take a concept consumers know and love, and then flips it on its head.

Like, say, the “all-inclusive” vacation. What if, instead of being bound to a single, static location, there existed an all-inclusive resort that moved around — all while retaining a decent continental breakfast?

The Truck Surf Hotel, a traveling surf bungalow that ferries barrel-hunting travelers on weeklong tours of the Portuguese and Moroccan coasts, is exactly that enterprise.

surf (2 images)

Housed in a converted Mercedes Actros, which uses a hydraulic system to extend up and out, revealing a second story, the “hotel” features a living room, kitchen, bathroom and five bedrooms, with a total sleeping capacity of 10 guests.

The place also offers options at every turn. For starters: Portugal or Morocco? Portugal trips run from June to October, Morocco trips from January to April, and each stops in beach hamlets up and down the coast. And there are several packages for surfers of all skill level, as well as an option for group who’d rather just hike and bike.

Sign up with a massive group, a friend, or just show up alone and meet some new folks. No matter what you choose, you’re guaranteed yoga sessions, wifi, AC and brand new views every morning.

Not to mention breakfast. Always breakfast.

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