Welcome to the Deserted Island Vacation Directory

A travel company for the Castaway set

Welcome to the Deserted Island Vacation Directory

Welcome to the Deserted Island Vacation Directory

By The Editors

Every traveler’s dream: the proverbial diamond in the rough.

The underground restaurant. The boarded-up atelier. The far-flung getaway on your radar and your radar alone.

That’s the promise of Do Castaway, the travel company that scouts remote, tropical corners of the world, then sends you there with nary a murmur to anyone else. If you’re looking for your next off-the-grid escape, this is it. What you’ll lose in, say, electricity, you’ll gain in untouched beachfront, yet to be discovered by Facebook feeds or Google searches. Till now, that is.

You’ve got two different travel modes — Adventure and Comfort — but a singular experience: super remote, barely touched beaches.

Destinations range from primitive bamboo cottages to full-on private islands, from the backwaters of the Philippines and Indonesia, to seldom tread volcanic islands in Oceania.

Y’know, real gems.

Head over to Do Castaway for more info.

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