This Swimming Pool Goes Up to 11

Floating Mediterranean Xanadu accepts all comers

This Swimming Pool Goes Up to 11

This Swimming Pool Goes Up to 11

By The Editors

What makes a swimming pool a swimming pool?

Is it chlorine? The deep end? An expertly bronzed and acutely bored high-schooler sitting aloft a lifeguard chair hollering at eight-year-old passersby to “slow down, maaan”?

Well, that’s one kind of swimming pool. This is the better kind:

Antiroom II, a floating pavilion built by students at the European Architecture Students Assembly earlier this year. Accessible by boat or strenuous doggy paddle, Antiroom is a floating, canopied water gazebo off the coast of the town of Valetta, in Malta.

The core of the island-like pavilion is a “small secure water pool” that serves as a refuge but remains “separated from the vastness of the unlimited sea” as the structure drifts. And it accepts all comers.

“Antiroom II is a physical symbol to welcome and accept anyone,” according to the designers. “All cultures, without exceptions.”

Don’t forget to bring a towel.

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