Christoph Waltz Brought a Chaotic Energy to “Real Time With Bill Maher”

Bill Maher shared advice for the holiday weekend

Bill Maher

Bill Maher shared travel advice for aliens.

By Tobias Carroll

The latest episode of Real Time With Bill Maher abounded with some high-level questions about the state of journalism in 2023. At times that focus widened into an exploration of contemporary media writ large, whether it was a discussion of the film industry’s lessons for politicians or an Academy Award winner’s impassioned case for watching movies alongside other people.

Christoph Waltz joined Maher to discuss his new series The Consultant. Maher spoke about his long-running belief that the two of them should be friends, owing in part to the warm reaction he’s received from many people in Europe. Waltz was a bit skeptical. “I’m a naturalized citizen,” Waltz said. “I watched the Super Bowl.” 

Maher raised an interesting point of conversation, noting that both of them had found success later in life than some of their contemporaries. “As a young person, I think I’d be more unbearable than I am now,” Waltz said. “I would have abused it shamelessly.”

Generational conflict — one of Maher’s themes of choice recently — came up when the two discussed Waltz’s upcoming show, as well as when Maher spoke of his peers who were frustrated by “how insufferably woke” their twentysomething children were.

“Oh no; I was very successful in my indoctrination program,” Waltz said. “They are not woke at all.” It’s worth mentioning here that Waltz also arrived on stage looking more hirsute than he usually does. Later, Waltz explained that it was a “protest beard” due to Lufthansa having lost the part of his luggage that contained his shaving kit.

At times, it was a strange interview to watch. Some of that was due to Waltz’s relatively chaotic presence and some of that was due to the way the two men discussed Waltz’s current project. Maher noted that he’d only seen the trailer for The Consultant, and was addressing questions about what he thought were the themes of the show based on that. But it did bring Maher around to a relatively rare occurrence on the show — arguing that the younger generation has “a good point” in terms of the need for a better work/life balance. “Americans work too hard,” Maher said. 

Waltz became much more engaged when Maher asked him about going to the movies and whether he felt that seeing movies in theaters remained important. Waltz contended that the experience of watching something together still matters. “Laughter is not only contagious, it’s reassuring that you’re not alone in the world,” Waltz said.

As it turned out, Maher’s commentary on people in their twenties didn’t end with that segment. But unlike many a Real Time episode, his tone this time out was more understanding of a generation’s frustrations and, at times, of their activism. It didn’t hurt that he and the evening’s two panelists all had distinctive ideological spaces; all three made their cases on various issues, but their disagreements were handled with force but not malice.

Some other notes from the episode:

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