Circle Quirk

Circle Quirk

Circle Quirk

By The Editors

Used to be, the pocket square was a rarity.

You’d see it only on cartoon characters like Lex Luthor or Deion Sanders.

Now, they’re expected.

So do something unexpected: get a pocket round, courtesy of bespoke clothier Sebastien Grey.

You may remember SG: those suitmaking mercs from Detroit who tailor for big-bicep’d clients like Iron Mike Tyson. They run a good game in made-to-order suits, shirts and outerwear.

And now, they’re doing personalized pocket rounds.

The all-cotton pieces are circular, so they can be folded in four different ways, “depending on how much or little flair you want.”

And, except for shape, you can have them customized to look any way you want. A special photo, quote or keepsake – maybe even the company logo.

Just upload your image to the SG site, pick your trim color (aubergine, royal blue, etc.), add an image or text (the font is your call) and your work is done.

The Grey staff will lay out your file, then print, cut and trim the fabric.

The rounds will run you $69 and take about two weeks to complete. But if you use the code insidehook20, you’ll get 20% off your order (both custom and regular pocket squares).

Another important detail not to overlook.

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