Man Made

Man Made

Man Made

By The Editors

Women love a good story.

That scar on your chin: conversational gold. Same for everything from granddad’s pocket knife to the notorious street you call home.

But what’s the story on that coffee table where you park your size twelves? Odds are it’s a short one, anonymously flat-packed from factory to Maersk container-ship to your door.

Here to step up your living room narrative: Gradient Matter, a young interior design and one-off furniture studio calling Jackson Square home.

Helmed by former Puccini Group and Studios Architecture designer Andrei Hakhovich, Gradient makes, simply put, thoughtful and seductive bespoke furniture.

Pieces that tell a story.

Like his recent Branching Table, a work of walnut, bamboo and plexi with nary a nail or joint screw to be found. The sort of thing you could say you had commissioned to reflect the interconnectedness of your life, etc.

Or a sick media wall installation, because no TV’s so good looking that it should define your space on its own.

Or, well, whatever story you want to tell.

Hakhovich is your ghost writer. Your living room’s the blank page.

And ladies appreciate a good page-turner.

Photos by Olga Tsibulina.

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