Come Meet the “Human Jukebox”

He takes requests

Come Meet the “Human Jukebox”

Come Meet the “Human Jukebox”

By Kirk Miller

God bless the cover band.

Mixing it up. Keeping it familiar. Little something for everybody.

And now, upgraded for your next date night.

Introducing Vintage Live, a theatrical nine-piece cover band that takes live requests via smartphone app, running this month only and now selling tickets.

Vintage Live’s the brainchild of Montreal showman Gregory Charles. They call him the “human jukebox.” Claims his ensemble can do 10,000 songs across all genres, Broadway tunes to “Uptown Funk.”

And you make the requests.

Works like this: get tickets. Show up to “Le Qube,” the custom-built pop-up theater at Pier 97. Shockingly, erected in just six days. Is, in your correspondent’s opinion, nicer than most New York concert halls.

You’ll want the Club ticket — best sightlines, free drinks and a tasting menu of Québécois culinary delights like duck poutine.

Charles fires up the band, taking requests via smartphone on a monitor above his piano. Your correspondent scored not one but two on his outing, treating the crowd to both “Rock You Like Hurricane” by The Scorpions and “Party Hard” by Andrew W.K.

Charles and Co. run the gamut, swinging from Bob Seger to Adele and often mashing up requests (“Hotel California” into “Stairway to Heaven” was a highlight).

The show only runs through May 2nd, though, so we suggest grabbing a date and a pair of tickets tout de suite.

After that, you’re covered.

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