Night Moves

Night Moves

Night Moves

By The Editors

There are certain occasions on which a man is expected to have a plan.

Even if he didn’t plan the plan himself.

Introducing The Date Valet, an online concierge that’ll script your liaisons with ruthlessly romantic efficiency, accepting members now. 

Run by a motley crew of New York lifers — musicians, gallery owners, at least one investment banker — The Date Valet works like this: 

You pick a membership option, running from “assistant” (occasional tips) to “concierge” (full-service help), then provide a few personal details (e.g., “I’m married,” “It’s our 2nd date,” etc.) and tastes (e.g., “No damn fro-yo”).

The Date Valet then provides a full itinerary for your evening out.

Your personalized plan arrives via email with addresses, venue descriptions and GPS-enabled maps – think trips to the DUMBO Arts Festival with dinner in a historic candlelit house or strolls along the Hudson peppered with romantic drink interludes and live music.

“We can do full weekends in Paris if you’ve got the budget,” they say.

Date Valet is only providing itineraries for a closed beta group until March 1st, but if you enter promo code “InsideHook” at sign-up they’ll grant you access now.

Our Valentine’s Day gift to you.

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