Todd Snyder Brought Clothes You’ll Actually Wear to NY Men’s Fashion Week

All killer, no filler

Todd Snyder Brought Clothes You’ll Actually Wear to NY Men’s Fashion Week

Todd Snyder Brought Clothes You’ll Actually Wear to NY Men’s Fashion Week

By Shari Gab

Look, we dig men’s fashion week. It may be a parade of peacocks that very little bearing on the clothes men are actually wearing, but any affair that asks New Yorkers to dress up and celebrate weirdness together — we’re game. That said, it’s not so often that the ‘fits gracing the runway approximate anything a fella can wear to brunch or a board meeting.

Unless we’re talking Todd Snyder. The dude just gets it.

Case in point: Snyder’s Spring 2018 collection that just showed at the Cadillac House for New York Men’s Fashion Week, where met the everyday. Think a reformed Jack Kerouac on the job hunt.

Todd NYFWM (8 images)

Refinement has never looked so comfortable. The legs are wide. The  tailored. And there’s some Champion-endorsed athleisure (the two brands have been releasing collections in tandem since  2013) peppered in here and there without beating you over the head with it.

The tones and hues called us to the every corner the world, from Moroccan red to French blue to Italian sienna to Japanese indigos. It’s bold. It’s artistic. And yet somehow, it’s distinctly laid back.

These may be clothes born on the runway, but if you know what’s good for you, they’ll find a permanent home in your closet.

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