Heavy Pedal

Heavy Pedal

Heavy Pedal

By The Editors

Scavenger hunts are typically kids games, but there are versions in NYC for grown men, too — like the perennially popular “find the new Chinatown speakeasy,” or its more gentrified version, “driver, find the new Chinatown speakeasy.”

Spelunk the city the two-wheeled way with Pedal Pursuit: a citywide, “interactive and highly experiential” scavenger hunt on bicycle from Strada Customs, taking final registrations today.

[callout] … tasks range across boroughs, and winners receive a custom bicycle [/callout]

The hunt convenes 11am Saturday morning at Sarah D. Roosevelt Park, where each two-person team will receive a list of over 100 possible “tasks.”

Tasks range across boroughs and include everything from the simple (find someone in a Yankees jersey) to the outlandish (link arms with ten strangers for a photo in front of a certain midtown sculpture). The more difficult and/or far-flung, the greater the point value. Teams will have 5.5 hours to accrue points by posting pics of finished tasks to Instagram, #pedalpursuit.

At the finish-line competitors will enjoy gratis drinks, DJs, and grub from grilled cheese gourmands Gorilla Cheese. Runner-up prizes include custom Chrome bags and overnight stays at the modish hotel Yotel, while the champs will each take home a custom Strada bike of their design.

If you win, there’s no shame in having a driver cart the bikes home.

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