Special Delivery

Special Delivery

Special Delivery

By The Editors

Package slips, hanging sticky-taped to your door, are the Craigslist Missed Connections of parcel delivery. They’ll break your heart, buddy.

So get your goods delivered at a time of your choosing with Parcel, now accepting members.

Parcel is like a package delivery concierge. Sign up for free, then receive a unique shipping address to use when, say, shopping online.

Parcel takes your delivery at their Varick St. facility and shoots you a text to let you know it arrived. You then choose a one-hour window between seven and eleven that evening to have it delivered.

And that’s that. Just five bucks per delivery. No more waiting for FedEx or schlepping unwieldy boxes home from the office.

And if you’re not around when the package arrives, Parcel will hold it for you till you’re back and at the ready.

No more heartbreak.

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