Nothing But MET

Nothing But MET

Nothing But MET

By The Editors

No matter his station, a man in this city will occasionally find himself wandering the vaulted concourses of The Metropolitan Museum of Art.

And no matter his company – clients, fetching post-grad gallery staffer, NESCAC-educated parents-in-law – the man will at some point wish he had something interesting to say about its inventory.

Enter MuseumHack, irreverent provider of “museum tours for people who don’t like museums,” now hosting daily walkthroughs of NYC’s most celebrated cultural hub.

What makes an MH tour better than your average MET crawl?

For one, they ditch the narcotizing Classics-major babble in favor of debauched anecdotes the history books left out.

Like how to play a 17th century German drinking game. Or store flowers in an anatomically correct Greek vase. They’ve even got trumpet harmonicas.

And MH know the MET. Like, really know the MET, in all its 13 acres of labyrinthine glory.

Any clue where the most immaculate men’s bathroom on the premises is? Probably not. But MH does.

Tours run about two hours, and in the interest of keeping things intimate and interactive, they’re limited to nine people per group (Ed. note: Audience participation is encouraged).

That’s room for you, the in-laws, five clients and the gallery girl.

The goal of hacking is efficiency, after all.

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