It’s Friday. Drink like this.

On-demand happy hour via your smartphone

It’s Friday. Drink like this.

It’s Friday. Drink like this.

By The Editors

For those who haven’t noticed, it’s Friday.

Don’t know about the rest of you, but the fellas here at InsideHook HQ will be needing a drink in a few hours. And we’d prefer not to spend 14 bucks a pop on that drink.

Which is why we’ll be using Happy, the recently dropped app that allows you to create on-demand happy hours at local watering holes, now servicing downtown Manhattan and Brooklyn.

Think of Happy (known on Android as Happy Any Hour) as a sort of matchmaker for bars and bargain-hunting imbibers. Simply fire up the app at any time and you’ll see a map of nearby saloons offering specials.

Yes, any time. You want your Friday happy hour to start at 2:30? Go for it. We’re not gonna stop you.

Suddenly, “Where should we go for a drink?” becomes “Let’s go here for a drink.”

When you arrive, show the man behind the pine your phone and you’re off and drinking for less than the going rate. Sixty minutes later (there’s a timer on the app) your offer goes Poof! like a boozy fairy godmother.

Happy currently serves the East Village, LES and the hipper parts of BK, with plans to expand over the coming months.

Retail, you truly are for suckers.


Your Kentucky Derby Cocktail Guide
Here, your rhyme and verse to Derby Day, starting with a re-introduction to the Mint Julep, fun facts on how to tipple like a Grandstand veteran and seven Derby-approved cocktail recipes. Check it out.

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