Predawn Fishing in New York

Predawn Fishing in New York

Predawn Fishing in New York

By The Editors

The manly virtues of fishing were immortalized in “The Old Man and the Sea”, but sadly the closest most New Yorkers get to that ideal is “Old Man in the Nobu”.

Cast a fresh line, fisherman, with Captain John McMurray, a salty Coast Guard vet offering “pre-work special” fly fishing excursions out of Jamaica Bay.

A burly, expert angler who’s been hooking fins in NY waters for almost 20 years, McMurray offers early morning jaunts that capitalize on the season (May and June are perfect for angling) and the “magic hours” (i.e., ~6-8am) when fish are most prone to feed.

To fish with McMurray, take the LIRR to Inwood Station, where he’ll pick you up one hour before sunrise.

Once onboard one of his two craft, you’ll watch the sunrise while reeling in striped bass and bluefish, which McMurray will clean and bag for you. The outing lasts 2.5 solid hours, and you’ll be back on the train in time to make your 9:00am in the city.

McMurray offers half- or full-day weekend excursions into deeper waters for those looking to hook bigger fish like bluefin and yellowfin tuna.

Or just not looking to wake up early.


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