Lady and the Camp

Lady and the Camp

Lady and the Camp

By The Editors

If the bearded nouveau woodsmen of our moment have one thing right, it’s this: nature is meant to be enjoyed comfortably. Casually.

With a flagon of wine and a hike into the woods — if only as far as your chocolate-covered blueberries from Trader Joe’s will take you.

Women, you may find, don’t often share even this modest sentiment.

To which we respond: she will, if you take her to Camp Orenda.

Nestled on 40 acres of lush private backcountry along the Hudson, Orenda boasts private canvas cabins with plush queen beds alongside wood-burning stoves. Out the front door: your very own porch.

And man, the activities — ride trails on horseback, rock climb or white-knuckle it down whitewater rapids. Orenda’s guides will make sure you get back to the evening campfire session in one piece.

For chow-time, Orenda boasts three gourmet squares a day, from applewood smoked bacon to open flame-grilled pork chops with rosemary infusion and pear chutney, all served in an open-air mess hall with wood-burning stoves and flickering candles.

Gives a whole new meaning to “Come on baby, light my fire.”

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