Tie High

Tie High

Tie High

By The Editors

We’re all for a perennial favorite trying his hand at something new.

It’s how we got Mos Def the actor. Jay Z the clothing designer. And Paul Newman, salad dressing tycoon.

And now: NY necktie maven Alexander Olch is giving us dress shirts in his just-opened Downtown shop.

Couple facts about Olch ties: they’re made in New York. Downstairs from the new LES shop, in fact.

Rows of patterned wools, painted silks and striped linens elegantly arranged in stark white card-catalogue drawers like the world’s most colorful library cabinet.

Some greatest hits:

Plus snazzy accessories like super-soft cashmere scarves and the most intense collection of pocket “rounds” (which Olch made famous) we’ve come across.

Ask for Marie. Tell her InsideHook sent you.

And that you’re looking to try your hand at something new.

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