Ground Swell

Ground Swell

Ground Swell

By The Editors

You can push files to the cloud all you want, Jack, but until your gadgets work on solar power, their cords will remain in a Dr. Octopussian tangle.

Simplify with This Is Ground, a suite of leather cord managers shaped like L.A.’s favorite foodstuff: the taco.

Founded by Angeleno (and taco fanboy) Mike Macadaan, Ground’s premier product is the cordito, which he was inspired to create while eating at Loteria.

“Who knew that tacos were genius architecture?” says Macadaan.

The newest item — the Cargito — is Ground’s first iPad case. Included: a battery-pack for charging and compartments for a pad, pen and your wallet.

We also like the sunglasses case and the passport wallet for traveling.

All of their offerings will be in Apple stores soon. Until then, you can buy them online.

Stay grounded.

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