7 Leather Jackets for the LA Man

How to wear ‘em and where to buy ‘em.

7 Leather Jackets for the LA Man

7 Leather Jackets for the LA Man

By The Editors

As an Angeleno man, you should have at least one solid leather jacket.

It’s essentially the blazer for our fair city.

It goes with jeans. It looks badass with a T-shirt. It even works dressed up with an oxford and a tie.

And the best ones are an investment. So the first rule is: don’t skimp.

The second rule is don’t buy online. Go to the store and try it on. And don’t be fooled by the attractive sales lady.

To help you choose as wisely as Indiana Jones chose his cup (he wore a bomber, BTW), we’ve created Strong Leather, the L.A. gent’s guide to picking and keeping the perfect leather jacket.

Inside you’ll learn:

And much more.

Happy shopping, fellas.

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