There’s Now a Seamless for Safari-Style Campsites in LA

You pick a spot. They’ll bring the yurts.

There’s Now a Seamless for Safari-Style Campsites in LA

There’s Now a Seamless for Safari-Style Campsites in LA

By Reuben Brody

Just because you occasionally act like a dog does not mean you should sleep like one.

Even when you’re camping.

Helping you sleep off the ground (in impeccable style, no less)?

Camp’d Out, a Venice-based concern that’ll make a trip to Joshua Tree (or your own backyard) feel like a Five-Star African safari. In short:they’ll bring the yurts, bedding and furniture. You bring the party.

Camp’d Out was started by Kitty Madina, whose love of outdoor adventures was fueled by backpacking trips with her sister in their youth. “Traveling became an important part of my life, which eventually brought me to live in Sydney, Australia, where I fell in love with the concept of modern luxury camping,” she says.

And Camp’d Out knows from luxury. Their tents are roomy canvas jobs stocked with a queen sized air mattress, Loomstead bedding, throw blankets, a side table, lounge chairs, area rugs and an LED Barebones lantern.

camp’d out (3 images)

Add-ons include fire pits, kitchen kits and coolers. You can also add a coffee tray with ground beans and patio furniture.

As for your destination? They’ll meet you just about anywhere within reasonable driving distance. Campsites like Joshua Tree (Kitty’s favorite, for the sunsets) or San Onofre work best — you pay the site fees, they’ll handle the rest.

And if you’re looking for something closer to home, they also do rooftops, backyards and private estates, and they’re able to accommodate up to to 100 people.

That leaves one just one question, which — unsurprisingly — they’ve got covered. “In terms of bathrooms, if the location does not provide a restroom, we can recommend luxury portable bathroom companies,” says Kitty.

And if you’re not a woodsman, don’t worry, Camp’d Out offers Camp Butlers to help light that fire and get you set up for relaxing en plein air.

Now who’s up for a sundowner?

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