Floating Candles? What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

I wanted to combine fire and levitation.'

Floating Candles? What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

Floating Candles? What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

By Kirk Miller

We’ve hit Peak Levitation.

There are levitating coffee tables. Clocks. Cloud speakers.

(And floating turntables, which are legitimately cool.)

So, why not candles?

Martin Viet, an entrepreneur from Bordeaux, France, just developed a Spirale, a levitating candlestick, now available for preorder on Kickstarter.

Why? “I wanted to combine fire and levitation,” Viet notes in the crowdfunding video, and frankly, that’s the best pitch we’ve ever heard.

Available in three versions (bamboo, silver, copper) with “fragrances from the French Riviera” (or you can use your own), the makers of Spirale promise the floating fire uses magnets strong enough that the device can’t be overturned and will stay vertical.

As one unnamed InsideHook staffer noted: “I’d probs burn my house down eventually, but I could get baked and stare at that thing for ages.”

Pledges for Spirale start at $88 and delivery is expected in December.

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