Seedo Is a Set-It-and-Forget-It Greenhouse for Hydroponics Growers

Gee, wonder what that could be good for?

marijuana, hydroponics, cannabis
By Evan Bleier

Marijuana enthusiasts are often passionate about many things, including their own hands and reflection, in addition to smoking the good stuff. But attention to detail generally isn’t one of their fortes, thusly process-oriented tasks, say at-home horticulture experimentation, can suffer at their hands.

Combating forgetfulness in home botany adventures: the — basically a set it and forget it hydroponics grower.

A state-of-the-art system that requires almost no knowledge of nutrients,  cycles or lighting needs, the relies on a patent-pending LED adjustment system that monitors plant growth and automatically moves the lights accordingly. If changes must be made to the preselected grow plan, users can adjust settings in the self-sufficient unit via a connected app.

Airtight with built-in CO2 cartridges and A/C so there’s hardly a need to open the unit to let pests in or smells out, the interior of the can be monitored remotely via a built-in HD camera.

Although the device can technically be used to grow other things like peppers, zucchini, cherry tomatoes, parsley, and mint, we’re pretty sure that its automated post-harvest drying system is mainly designed for use with the devil’s lettuce.

Just a hunch though …

If you’re stoked for the 55-pound compact cannabis incubator, preorder one here for $1,400.

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