Koenigsegg Just Released a Transformer

The new Regera comes with automatic robot doors

Koenigsegg Just Released a Transformer

Koenigsegg Just Released a Transformer

By The Editors

Swedish designer Christian von Koenigsegg, known for some of the most visionary super-vehicles in the game, has done it again.

Forget that his new Koenigsegg Regera has 1,500 horsepower via a combo of gas and electric power and tops out at 248 mph. Pay no mind to the fact that they’re only producing 80 of them, or that they’ll set a fella back upwards of $2 million.

Those are standard coveting terms.

Where the new Regera really pushes the envelope is the introduction of new feature “Autoskin,” which uses i-built hydraulics to open every door on the vehicle (including the front luggage and rear engine hatches) at the push of a button.

It’s the first car out there to offer said fully robotic system. Using tiny hydraulic tubes that circumvent the typical weight problem that has historically kept hydraulics out of practical application, Autoskin weighs in at only eleven pounds.

Open and close one at a time or set the system into “Show Mode” and the car undergoes a full metamorphosis wherein all doors, hood and boot go up and down at once.

Necessary? Not in the slightest.

But it makes for one hell of an entrance.

Koenigsegg Regera ‘Autoskin’2:17

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