Eight New Gadgets That’ll Help You Sleep, Ranked

Still counting sheep, huh?

Eight New Gadgets That’ll Help You Sleep, Ranked

By Kirk Miller

If you’re like us, you slept horribly last night.

Blame the heat, end-of-weekend malaise, lingering hangover; whatever.

The real question is, can technology solve this?

We examined eight new pieces of sleep tech, from the simple (a breathing app) to Matrix-level brain hijacks (EEG headsets with bone-conducting audio and AI-assisted monitors).

Here’s how they stacked up.

(All methods ranked from 1-4 Zs; please note that many of these items are just launched or in preorder phase.)

Sandman Doppler

What it is: A six-USB-port charging smart alarm clock with Alexa integration, stereo speakers, WiFi/Bluetooth connectivity, Hue/Nest integration and a YUGE customizable display for time, weather and stocks. Basically, you can voice-control your life from bed.

Sleep score: Z. Great for waking up, way too busy for shut eye.


What it is: An iOS app — designed by a 16-year old! — that utilizes relaxing breathing techniques and “futuristic breath visualization” to help you fall asleep in 60 seconds.

Sleep score: ZZ. We’re not against breathing techniques for sleep help (or free apps, for that matter). We are against using the harsh blue light from your smartphone just before bedtime.


What it is: A bedside device that tracks your sleep patterns, adjusts lights for jet lag and creates an AI-assisted sleep program/alarm that works with your body clock.

Sleep score: Incomplete. Until it gets out of crowdfunding, we can’t tell for sure. Seems less about sleep and more suited for lifestyle suggestions and mellower wake-ups (note the “dawn simulating” lighting effects).

ReST Bed

What it is: Forget sensors and lights. This is your smart mattress — it’ll adjust support and firmness in real time based on how you’re lying down, and also supply you with nightly sleep metrics.

Sleep score: ZZZ. Cool concept, and seems to work well for athletes … but comes with a price point (starting at $2,800) that’ll keep you up at night.


What it is: Coffee-infused sheets. Say what? Actually, sheets that utilize bamboo and reclaimed coffee grounds in their yarn to block odors and wick away moisture.

Sleep score: ZZZ. Look, your normal bed is gross. The antibacterial properties of this bedding alone will ease your mind.


What it is: Cool down your sheets to your desired body temp via this microtube-filled mattress pad.

Sleep score: ZZZ. Pricey, you bet. But Tim Ferriss swears by it (another, more low-tech sleep hack from Tim: drink an apple cider vinegar, raw honey and hot water cocktail before going to bed).


What it is: A foam-lined headband that uses AI and audio stimulation, synced with your brain activity, to promote deep sleep. You can read their white paper if you want to debate the science.

Sleep score: ZZZ. Promising. If you’re hesitant on the headband part, know that the audio is bone-conducting, so you won’t have to deal with bulky headphones or earpieces. There’s a special price if you order before the end of the week.

Tomorrow Sleep

What it is: Serta Simmons is coming after Casper with their own direct-to-consumer brand. Their initial slate includes a temperature-regulating memory-foam mattress, blackout drapes, pillows with two-sided construction (one for comfort, one for coolness), 500-thread sheets, a breathable comforter and an Alexa-compatible monitor that lives under your mattress and analyzes your sleep habits.

Sleep score: ZZZZ. Basically, $1,300 will net you everything your bed needs (minus the frame) and a straightforward device for tracking sleeping patterns. Sometimes, a little quality and some proven tech is all you need.

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