Attention Golfers: These Push Carts Are in Stock for the First Time Since Quarantine Started

We recommend walking. We do not recommend carrying.

Attention Golfers: These Push Carts Are in Stock for the First Time Since Quarantine Started
By Mike Conklin

Nota bene: If you buy through the links in this article, we may earn a small share of the profits.

Given that it’s the perfect activity for these socially-distanced times, people are playing more golf than ever and have been for a few months now. Golf courses have been pro-active about taking precautions: payments are made online ahead of time; there are no rakes in bunkers, and there are special shallower cups, all of which cuts down on people having to touch anything that doesn’t belong to them.

Early on, when the courses first reopened, most weren’t even allowing players to rent golf carts, meaning everyone who played had to walk. This created an immediate and thorough run on push carts — because while having to walk is one thing, having to carry your bag is something else entirely, and not something most people are willing to endure. So for months, push carts were sold out everywhere, from the most basic $50 models to the top-of-the-line electric versions that max out at over $1,000. If you got lucky, you could find one on Amazon, but the markups in price were absurd.

Fortunately, now that most courses are starting to allow people to ride again, push carts are starting to become available here and there. And I, for one, after a half a dozen rounds spent walking (with a broken-ass old pull cart a friend literally found in the trash), can confidently say I have no interest in ever riding again. Walking helps you slow yourself down, think a bit more about your next shot — or about whatever other non-golf-related things have been on your min — in a quiet, mostly distraction-free environment. And it’s never a bad thing to get 15,000 steps in before 10AM.

Below, a sampling of the push carts you can buy form Golf Galaxy right now. A few of them are also in stock at Amazon, but the prices are a little higher. And for those of you wary of buying from a retailer you haven’t bought from before, Golf Galaxy was recently purchased by Dick’s Sporting Goods, so they seem to be have the same checkout functionality.

Anyway, whichever one you get, we recommend getting one with a cup holder. Because while we are very much in favor of all the exercise you’ll be getting, we would never suggest you do so without a place to hold your beer.

BagBoy M-340

A pretty simple model with sturdy wheels and a scorecard holder that’ll also hold tees and a couple balls. Fold up pretty small, too, for those of you with limited trunk space.

TourTrek 360 3-Wheel (2018)

A step up in pretty much every way. You get a third wheel for added stability, a convenient foot break for when you’re on uneven terrain, a more elaborate storage compartment with a built-in cup holder, and a removable storage bag in case you need to carry something a little larger. Like, say, a small soft-sided cooler.

Sun Mountain Pathfinder 4

And the wheels just keep on coming. Now you’ve got four, which I guess means even more stability? Features on this one include an “accessory console,” a mesh storage basket and a padded, velour-lined valuables pocket.

Sun Mountain Speed Cart GX (2019)

Ok, we’re back to a more reasonable three wheels here, but they’re the fancy kind like you’d find on one of those high-end baby strollers. With this one, you get tons of storage, an adjustable handle, and a built-in bracket that accommodates lots of different accessories like umbrellas and, yes, cup holders.

Clicgear 4.0

I’ve long known Clicgear to make the best push carts around, and while other brands have caught up in recent years, these things are still great. The materials are great, and the design is even better. The features you get are unparalleled, and the ability to personalize is as well, thanks to Clicgear’s extensive selection of accessories.

MGI Zip X3 Lithium Electric Caddie

I don’t know. Do you need a thousand-dollar electric push cart, which I guess I shouldn’t even call a push cart because you don’t have to push it? If you do, you have my support. Here’s one right here.

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