This Camping Kettle Does One Thing: Boil Water, and Very Efficiently

Love the idea of a trusted century-old design? Same.

This Camping Kettle Does One Thing: Boil Water, and Very Efficiently

This Camping Kettle Does One Thing: Boil Water, and Very Efficiently

By The Editors

Tea. Coffee. Soup. All three are great while in the woods.

All three also require that you boil water, which, as you may very well know, takes forever. Because, y’know, a watched pot never boils. However, with the Ghillie Kettle — a piece of British-made camping gear — the job is both easy and worth watching.

ghillie kettle slideshow (2 images)

A refreshing alternative to today’s hi-tech camp stoves, the Ghillie Kettle was designed to do one job, and it does that job very well. They call it the Irish Volcano because it was invented by the Irish in the late 1800s and works like a chimney. The water goes into the double walled vessel. The happy camper then lights a fire in the base and the heat spirals through the center like a chimney, heating the walls and the water.

The cap on the nozzle has a whistle, alerting you when the water’s ready, and it connects to the kettle via a chain, which aids in pouring the liquid. All in it takes five minutes to boil the water.

Best part is it’ll feel like less. For purchase in the U.S., step right this way

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