Funder’s Keepers

Funder’s Keepers
By The Editors

As an investor, you’re concerned about where your money goes. Stocks? Boring. Kickstarter? Flaky. Political donations? Congrats, you just paid for a 3 a.m. SuperPAC ad on WHIO-TV, a.k.a. “Dayton, Ohio’s weather authority!”

Get the returns you want — invest in the next big tech startups, with Funders Club.

So here’s the problem with investing in startups: by the time you know about them, the best opportunities are long gone. Or, it just costs too much to invest.

Here’s how FC solves that: by letting “accredited investors” — that’s you, if you’ve got the bright, shiny ducats — invest $1k to $250k in startup venture funds. You write smaller checks, you get a more diversified portfolio.

The funds are all pre-vetted by FC’s founders and experts, which include a former tech CEO, a McKinsey alum, and at least one guy with an asteroid named after him.

In return, the tech companies provide a detailed profile of their company, interactive Q&As, and regularly scheduled e-mail updates on their progress.

All your investments and any legal paperwork can be completed on the site.

And membership is free, but be patient: the average investment will take about 4-7 years to pay off.

Just enough time to see if that SuperPAC ad worked out.

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