This Is an A.I.-Powered Electric Flying Car Drone

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This Is an A.I.-Powered Electric Flying Car Drone

This Is an A.I.-Powered Electric Flying Car Drone

By Kirk Miller

Drones? Flying cars? A.I.? Hyperloop?

One vehicle will rule them all.

Airbus and Italdesign just unveiled Pop.Up, a modular car/drone concept debuting at the Geneva Motor Show that hopes to alleviate traffic through, well, a number of emerging technologies. Like, all of them.

Airbus PopUp (3 images)

The all-electric Pop.Up is a passenger capsule that attaches to either a carbon-fiber ground module (think electric car) or eight-rotor air module (think drones). According to Italdesign, the module could also integrate with trains or hyperloops.

That capsule is a two-seater that vertically takes off and lands. It’s designed to “relieve traffic congestion in crowded megacities.” With the help of A.I. the air and ground modules could plan your easiest journey and return to recharging stations once they’ve delivered you to your destination.

Italdesign is pretty busy — they’ve also debuted a limited-edition carbon fiber supercar that meshes racing car design with real world, uh, commuting.

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