Woke Up in a New Bugatti (Boat)

A luxury yacht from France’s finest carmaker

Woke Up in a New Bugatti (Boat)

Woke Up in a New Bugatti (Boat)

By The Editors

Evolutionists will tell you that whales were once land mammals. Soon you’ll be able to say the same thing for the white whale of car manufacturing: Bugatti.

Within three months, the Bugatti Niniette, a sport yacht with enough horsepower to hit 48 miles per hour, will be hitting the open seas. A collaboration between the world’s oldest luxury carmaker and luxury yacht dealer Palmer Johnson, Niniette comes in three sizes, ranging from 42 to 88 feet.

The arcing silhouette is a salute to both the classic Bugatti sports car shape and the mono hull of the Palmer Johnson SuperSport series, which makes for a smoother ride both moving and anchored. The body is titanium and carbon fiber accented with bubinga, maple or naturally blue morta oak.

It also comes with a $3.52 million price tag, so prospective buyers better be packing a whale of a wallet.

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