Basically 90-Second TED Talks

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Basically 90-Second TED Talks

Basically 90-Second TED Talks

By The Editors

We have all the information in the world at our fingertips.

Cruel irony: we usually have about three minutes on hand to thumb through it.

Fortunately, that’s more than enough time for Audvisor, a new audio app that delivers expert professional advice in about 90 or so seconds, available now for iOS and Android.

A self-proclaimed “Pandora for thought leadership,” Audvisor features hundreds of free clips from a who’s who of biz, tech and wellness experts.

Most are hourlong tête-à-têtes condensed into quick and dirty manifestos on better living — each about the length of a pop song.

The dozen-plus categories cover both professional (e.g. Advance My Career, Grow as an Entrepreneur) and personal goals (Live Well, Be a Great Leader).

Experts include CEOs, best-selling business authors, efficiency guru Ari Meisel, a former postmaster general, LinkedIn’s top-rated career coach, venture capitalist/Stanford professor Heidi Roizen and fitness/motivational expert Chris Warner — one of nine people who has summited Everest and K2.

Within a few minutes, we learned why the problem is never the problem, how one sentence can change a life and the idea behind a workplace’s “15% rule.”

Time well spent.

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