The Internet’s New Favorite Pasta Recipe Ingeniously Riffs on French Onion Soup

A perfect dish for winter

French Onion soup

What if this was pasta?

By Tobias Carroll

When the temperature turns cold, many people find themselves craving hearty food. Two dishes that certainly fit that description are French onion soup and pasta. (Feel free to substitute your own preferred dish involving pasta for the word “pasta” there. Whether it’s spaghetti Bolognese or cacio e pepe, odds are good that it’ll be hearty.) But diners looking for something hearty have, historically, had to choose between one or the other.

And yet, some cooks have dared to ask: what if you didn’t have to choose? What if there was a way to combine French onion soup with pasta to create something even tastier? And, yes, some of the people asking this question are on TikTok.


My one pot French onion pasta recipe. This is such a good one if you love french onion soup! #frenchonionpasta #onepotmeals #pastatiktok #frenchonion

♬ Girl With The Tattoo Enter.lewd – Miguel

In a recent article for The Washington Post, Aaron Hutcherson talked with Carolyn Wong, whose recipe for French onion pasta has gone viral. That is not surprising, because it sounds absolutely delicious — essentially, cooking pasta in a combination of broth and port until most of the liquid is gone, then adding an abundance of Gruyère cheese.

The whole article is well worth a read, and includes a recipe and some tips on variations that might be more to your liking.

French Onion Soup Is So Much Easier to Make Than You Think It Is
NYC chef John DeLucie shares his recipe for a stomach-warming classic

The other appealing element about this recipe, in all of its variations, is the relative ease with which you can make it. One pot should suffice, and the ingredients are all things that are generally close at hand or easy to get. There’s still some winter weather ahead — and this might be the perfect meal for the season.

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