Editorial Policy

Editorial Policy

Editorial Policy

InsideHook is committed to bringing you the most important stories in the worlds of culture, wellness and leisure, as well as superlative experiences, products and gear, directly to your inbox.

We discover our content organically through excellent sourcing and diligent research. Our editors personally vet the products we bring you, and when that’s not possible, we rely on the word of trusted contributors. Our coverage is 100% authentic.

More importantly, our coverage is not for sale. InsideHook will never accept money, gifts or barters in exchange for consideration in our emails or on our site. We proudly provide honest editorial recommendations.

This includes our commerce emails. When we recommend products for sale, those products have been personally curated by our editors.

Because we need to keep the lights on at InsideHook, you’ll occasionally receive tips from our advertisers. These advertorial emails and stories will be clearly marked with the phrase “In partnership with,” whether at the top of an article or within the placement in an email, and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of InsideHook’s editorial staff.

Rest assured that we choose our advertising partners carefully, based on the preferences of our readers. That way, we can ensure that we’re delivering messages you’ll find relevant and gratifying.

Thank you for taking the time to review our policies. We appreciate your interest and look forward to helping you live your very best life.

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