And for Her Next Trick, Our Favorite Robot Scientist Makes a Chair Disappear

The Ollie puts the fun in functional furniture

And for Her Next Trick, Our Favorite Robot Scientist Makes a Chair Disappear

And for Her Next Trick, Our Favorite Robot Scientist Makes a Chair Disappear

By Evan Bleier

Remember Jessica Banks, the MIT robot scientist who now designs floating tables and such? If not, here’s a refresher.

We just got word that Banks and her Brooklyn-based furniture firm Rock Paper Robot are introducing another fascinating furnishing that can unfurl and retract with the tug of a string.

Dig it:

Dubbed the Ollie Chair, the ergonomically engineered seat is made of connected wooden slats that allow the piece to go from sitting style to vertical storage mode as easily as closing a blind.

With strong lumbar support being provided by the Ollie’s lightweight aluminum body, the chair — which can be mounted on the wall or stand alone — can be used indoors as well as outdoors.

Given RPR’s stated desire to integrate “aesthetics and robotics into decor to enhance versatility and functionality without subscribing to the sterile appearance of sci-fi lore (think Charles Eames’s and Judy Jetson’s wedding registry),” we’d say mission accomplished.

The chair has an upcoming Kickstarter launch, but you can skip to the front of the line here.

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