This Is What Your Office Will Look Like Post-Coronavirus

Keep your distance, Todd from Accounting


Masks at the office? Maybe, but do expect a lot of workplace changes.

By Kirk Miller

We’ll be going back to work — in a new entrance, at a different time and with plenty of space around us.

Those are some of the guidelines the U.K. government is considering for workers in all industries; these proposed changes comes courtesy of a leaked draft of plans put together by the office of U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson for seven different work situations, and first reported by BuzzFeed News. While it’s not the U.S., expect similar measures to take place here (although varying state by state).

No surprise, white-collar workers will be sitting about 6.5 feet apart, whether at desks or in conference rooms or at the lunch table — and tape or markers will map out that space (even in elevators). We’ll be sitting side-by-side or facing away from each other, with screens acting as barriers.

Shared equipment like printers and whiteboards will be rarely if ever used, sanitizer stations will be common, and everyone will arrive at staggered times in single file. If you’re lucky enough to get a free lunch, those might be individually packaged as opposed to buffet-style servings. If possible, exits and entrances to workplaces will be separated.

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And no matter what type of work you have, “extremely vulnerable people” will be still working from home. And most likely, if you’re working from home and that’s working out, you’ll probably continue to do, at least a few days per week.

As for masks? The document suggests personal protection equipment but offers little detail beyond “guidance to follow.” Also, there was no mention of temperature checks, but do expect thorough office cleanings every day.

In other words, WFH is sounding better everyday — and about half of workers in a recent Gallup survey seem to agree.

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