Let’s Get Whoever Invented This Hammock Tub a Nobel or Something

Chillest situation ever? Chillest situation ever.

Let’s Get Whoever Invented This Hammock Tub a Nobel or Something

Let’s Get Whoever Invented This Hammock Tub a Nobel or Something

By Evan Bleier

Deciding between a hot tub and a hammock is a daunting decision for those amongs who love relaxing.

Unless you’re picking up the bath that SplinterWorks is pedlding, in which case it’s no choice at all.

The UK-based company’s carbon-fiber creation combines a tub and a hammock to form a nine-foot relaxation space that’s suspended from the walls by steel and does not touch the floor.

Meant to be the centerpiece of a bathroom or a very progressive man cave, the curved bath can retain heat better than conventional tubs once it’s filled with hot water from a standing tap.

After being “struck by the synergy between the shapes of two compelling symbols of relaxation,” the designers were “inspired to develop a piece that would provide the ultimate vehicle for total escapism,” SplinterWorks co-founder Miles Hartwell told Contemporist.

Pricing is done on a case-by-case basis and quotes are available by contacting the company.

Oh yeah, they also make a bodice-shaped rocking chair, so there’s that.

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