The Company Behind the Mediterranean’s Best Cabanas Now Does Wigwams

That pole-and-sheet rig in your backyard? Burn it.

The Company Behind the Mediterranean’s Best Cabanas Now Does Wigwams

The Company Behind the Mediterranean’s Best Cabanas Now Does Wigwams

By Diane Rommel

Every American kid did it:

Tried their darndest to imitate a wigwam in the backyard (or living room) by hanging a sheet from a pole/chair/doorknob. Some were sucessful; others ridiculous. It took Spanish outdoor living brand Gandiablasco to make a luxury version, and boy, does it look welcoming. 

Gandiablasco, based in Valencia, Spain, is a 75-year-old design firm that’s already made a name for itself with outdoor tables and seating units. If you’ve recently reserved a private cabana at a dance club facing the Mediterranean, there’s a good chance it was designed by Gandiablasco. 

With this latest project, designer José A. Gandia-Blasco updates the super-traditional shape of the wigwam for high-end outdoor lifestyles. The pyramid structure gets its shape from four sturdy plastic sheets and aluminum poles. Inside, there’s enough room for a “mini-mattress” or cushions, according to Inhabitat. 

Consider it a high-end ’10s verison of a low-key ’80s staple — the Avengers to Stranger Things, if you will. 

If you need some time to sort out your anachronistic cultural references, we suggest doing it inside a Glandiablasco piece, for maximum piece of mind. Seaside location optimal — but any backyard/meadow will do. 

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