For Valentine’s Day, Put Her Face on This

Your loved one’s mug, in your mug.

For Valentine’s Day, Put Her Face on This

For Valentine’s Day, Put Her Face on This

By The Editors

“I could just eat you up,” you once said.

And now, because we are an increasingly literal society, you can.

For Valentine’s Day, you’ll have many options to showcase your love.

The common man will choose flowers and chocolate.

The daring, unconventional man will choose marshmallow bouquets and toast … adorned with the face of his loved one.

Why? Maybe because you need both food and love to survive. Maybe it’s novelty.

Time to face up.

You can have your lover’s image adorning…

Your coffee
The Ripple Maker Latte Art Machine offers baristas the opportunity to “print” faces, graphics and words onto the foam head of a cup of coffee, using “ripples” crafted from tiny coffee bean drops. You can choose from a pre-approved content library, or utilize your own design/photo and a smartphone app.

Your toast
The Vermont Novelty Toaster Company is comprised of artists and metal fabricators who can get your selfie onto a piece of bread. Essentially, they’re fashioning plates for your bread warmer based off of photos — they suggest hi-res pics with good contrast and no shadows. Don’t have a loved one? Use a classic picture of Che. Or Jesus.

Your marshmallows
With Boomf, you can put any Facebook or Instagram image—or love message—on a pack of nine squishy marshmallows. Don’t have your own image? The company offers a variety of special holidays pics ready to go. Oh, and forget roses: offer her a bouquet of nine pic-friendly “mallowpops” on a stick.

Your cookie
NYC healthy baker This Chick Bakes offers a dozen cinnamon-y cookies adorned with images of your choice, dubbed “Instagrahams.” Gluten-free options available.

Your faux Rice Krispie treat
A far cry from the ubiquitous fruitcakes and popcorn tins that go stale in the office kitchen, Treat House offers their updated take on the beloved crispy rice and marshmallow treats of your youth. While mainly used for companies and logos, TH’s custom option allows you to put an image of your choice on a 12-pack desserts, with flavors ranging from chocolate mint to pretzel monster.  

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