Jayson Home’s Five Tips for Pick Up the Perfect Sofa

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Jayson Home’s Five Tips for Pick Up the Perfect Sofa

Jayson Home’s Five Tips for Pick Up the Perfect Sofa

By Shari Gab

There are things in this life you can never overspend on.

Mattresses. Orthodontia. Your spouse.

And an impressive, hefty, enduring couch.

Unfortunately, finding that dream couch is akin to finding the perfect pair of jeans. You want equal parts good looks and comfort. It’s the anchor of your living room, and a surface you’ll be spending the lion’s share of your waking minutes on for the next decade.

Accordingly, you need to take this purchase seriously.

To assist, we tapped Caroline Scheeler, Co-Founder and Creative Director of the freshly opened Jayson Home design emporium in Soho, for five tips on nailing the right piece.

jayson home (5 images)

You Gotta Love It
“Your sofa should look good, feel good and work hard. And clearly, you’re going to be spending a lot of time with this piece in your home. So you have got to LOVE looking at it every single day. Sound serious? It is. Ask yourself, are you someone who can commit to a bold pattern for years? Go for it! Or are you more likely to find comfort in a solid that you can switch out pillows and throws seasonally or on a whim? Once you get past judging this book by its cover, you’re ready for the next step.”

Figure Out Your Needs
“Only you know what you need out of your sofa. Does your family of five watch movies together and everyone has their ‘spot’ and needs to be super comfy? Or are you a millennial city dweller that is just starting out and your sofa doubles as your bed? Do you have pets and do they live on your furniture with you? In my family room, I have a rather uptight vintage Chippendale-style sofa and a huge, very deep English arm sofa. In this room I like the options. When we entertain new guests they start out on the white Chippendale — very proper — and once you’ve been around for a while you move onto the sofa.”

Do Your Research
“If you’re looking at a pedigreed piece of furniture, shop around. If you’re looking at a piece that just speaks to you and it doesn’t have a ‘name’ — sometimes that’s the way to go. Frankly, that’s how we buy for the store. If we love it, we buy it. Oh, and make sure it can fit through your door or windows. And yes, I’ve been there.”

Protect Your Investment
“I am well aware that the cool kids these days don’t do slipcovers (and likely never have). However, this is one area in my life that I roll practically. The Chippendale in white, machine washable and bleachable. And the English roll arm sofa in washable natural linen. Two teenagers, two adults, three dogs and one cat have yet to wear and tear ‘em.”

What About Vintage?
“I’d only recommend vintage if the sofa is going in a fairly low traffic room. If you like the look of vintage but need it to last, there are tons of new sofas out there that have the vintage look.”

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