Home’s Odyssey

Home’s Odyssey

Home’s Odyssey

By The Editors

Every guy wants his home to be comfortable.

But actual decorating? That’s a Crate and Barrel-ish bridge too far.

Enter Homepolish, the pad-pimping design-on-demand service out of NYC, now serving our peninsular metropolis.

Their offer is simple: schedule a one-hour consultation with one of their designers, hatch a plan, make a budget and execute on your schedule.

Whether you’re rocking a Pac Heights mansion or 400 square feet in the Mission, they’ve got you covered.

It could be anything from a few choice accessories to a full build-out. Homepolish has connections with the vendors and contractors to get it done at a fraction of what you’d expect, and your designer will manage the process throughout.

Freeing you to do … anything other than decorate.

And don’t worry, you’ll still have a place to hang your bike when the day’s done. It’ll just look better.

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