Hot Seat

Hot Seat

Hot Seat

By The Editors

Like treadmills, outdoor furniture tends toward shabby looks and shameful disuse.

Your hard-won patch of yard (or roof) deserves better.

We suggest the Helios Lounge by SF’s Galanter & Jones — a modish concrete sofa that’s as comfortable as it is attractive.

And because the nights are cold (despite the unseasonable winter), it packs all the radiant heat you’ll need to keep keisters warm and the party outside.

Formed with cast stone and perched on a lattice of powder-coated steel (color options abound), it heats up with lizard-rock efficiency, distributing even toastiness while playing nicely with the PG&E bottom line.

There’s nothing else like it on the market. Literally.

They’re currently showing at Modernism Week in Palm Springs, but you can give one a spin much closer to home in the manicured gardens of Flora Grubb in India Basin.

Pick yours up on the spot or order directly from Galanter & Jones.

Then invite some company and put the chilly nights to the test. No shame in that.

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