Beer Me

Beer Me

Beer Me

By The Editors

When you drink this summer, remember this: domestic lagers are the tired sequels of beer.

Drinking another Sam Adams is like trying to enjoy Ocean’s Twelve.

So next time you’re out, surprise everyone (and yourself) by changing it up with Smog City’s LA Saison.

Recently opened in Torrance, Smog City Brewing Company is the new brewery on the block recognized for their porter, which just won a beer Oscar.

But the real seasonal magic is their LA Saison.

So on the occasion of the opening of a new tap room, we spoke with the aptly named brewmaster and co-owner Jonathan Porter about the summer beer everyone should be pairing.

“Our LA Saison has a beautiful white pepper sort of spice in the nose,” says Porter.

His advice on pairing it: “I like to compare, (so) I’m picking out parts of the beer that are also similarly present in the food itself. Chocolate on chocolate. Fruit on fruit. Spice on spice.”

So, you’ll want to order the LA Saison when savoring the Toron at Bäco Mercat or the Jidori brick chicken at Public School 310 (Smog City’s complete pouring list is right here).

Or, you can pair the beer yourself this weekend at their opening. Don Chow Tacos will be there from 12-3 p.m. and Vella Pizza will be there from 3-8 p.m.

Cheers to summer, friend.

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