Horn Dog

Horn Dog

Horn Dog

By The Editors

The bygone gramophone.

Once the glamorous centerpiece of a man’s parlor, now the musty heirloom of antique shops across the tri-state.

Unless you holler at Chicago’s own Gramovox, makers of the world’s first bluetooth gramophone speaker, available for pre-order now.

Dreamt up by two design engineers, Gramovox takes the best qualities of your granddad’s music player — simple, handsome, soulful — and makes it accessible to the iPhone-toting modern man.

The beauty lies in its minimalist design: hand-welded steel, hand-welded brass.

And it mimics the curvature of a 1920s Magnavox R3. The result: a warm, mid-range vintage tone that’ll stream via bluetooth from whichever device you please.

Shipments start in June.

Bygones. They’re the future.

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