Where to Get Your Rocks Off

Brooklyn Boulders: Chicago’s new home of bouldering

Where to Get Your Rocks Off

Where to Get Your Rocks Off

By The Editors

Throughout history, humans have made great strides when they’ve mashed two things together to make one awesome product.

Combining The Beatles and Jay Z led to The Grey Album, and pairing opposable thumbs with beer makes you drunk.

Applying that philosophy to rock climbing and offices: Brooklyn Boulders, Chicago’s first full-service rock climbing gym with a collaborative workspace, newly opened and accepting members now.

Coming by way of — you guessed it — Brooklyn, BKB preach that your work productivity benefits greatly from an active lifestyle.

To wit: two buildings (watch the build-out here) that house towering walls handcrafted from Baltic birch, with varied climb routes that cater to tenderfoots and seasoned wall-scalers alike.

Summits here: up to 55 feet.

Or you can stay grounded with classes and a full fitness center: rowing machines, bikes and a full rig and rack.

Once you’ve nailed down the workout regimen, hit the co-working space, where you’ll find balance-ball chairs, standing desks and treadmill desktops. Everything needed to allay the active mind.

Plus: a lounge area with GoldenEye for N64.

So, a good place to climb and, you know, hang out.

Nota bene: Brooklyn Boulders is currently putting finishing touches on the collaborative workspace, which will be finished in time for its grand opening on December 13th. Stay updated here.

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