Watch the Art of Skijöring With Two Porsches

If you like Porsches, you'll enjoy this visual lesson in this winter sport.

A Porsche 911 GT2 RS with a Porsche 911 ST on Lake St. Moritz (Porsche)

A Porsche 911 GT2 RS with a Porsche 911 ST on Lake St. Moritz (Porsche)

By Evan Bleier

What do you call it when you pair a ‘70s-era Porsche 911 ST with a brand-spanking-new 911 GT2 RS and throw ‘em on a frozen lake in the middle of Switzerland?

We’re not sure either – but it looks like a helluva lot of fun.

To do a 100% scientific and totally safe comparison of how the historic 911 and newer model handle snow and ice, the gang at Curves Magazine decided to fire up their own version of skijöring, a winter sport where a person on skis is pulled through a course of by a team of dogs or horse.

In this instance of course, the team traded in an animal on four legs for a couple of beasts on four wheels.

“Skijöring is great fun, but basically you‘re on your own,” Curves writes. “Up front, there’s a 700 BHP monster or a careering classic rally car designed to move along as elegantly as possible, while coming up behind, you are fighting with the force of gravity, centrifugal force, and loss of strength in your arms and legs.”

Check out the video below:


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