Aston Martin Will Now Build You a Tailor-Made Bond Mobile

Now all you need is a Bond girl

Aston Martin Will Now Build You a Tailor-Made Bond Mobile

Aston Martin Will Now Build You a Tailor-Made Bond Mobile

By Evan Bleier

Do you remember James Bond’s modified Aston Martin DB in Goldfinger? It’s a hard car to forget. Shiny silver birch and all that gadgetry: machine guns, tire slashers, revolving license plates and an ejection seat. 

If you’ve ever dreamt of building your own secret agent super car, you’ll be happy to hear Aston Martin is now offering the same custom service to its customers — minus the guns and what not.

Called the “Q by Aston Martin” division (yes, that Q), the new program will allow customers to work with a member of the British marque’s design team to create a bespoke sports car personalized to their specs.

Development begins with a blank sheet of paper and, by using previous Q models like the  CC-100 Speedster and Vantage GT12 Roadster as a guide, the process goes from there.

Bespoke Aston Martins (3 images)

The service, which Aston Martin compares to conversing with a tailor on Savile Row, will be offered at the firm’s headquarters, brand center and dealerships.

“We have a truly formidable creative team, from engineering to design,” said Aston Martin CEO  Dr. Andy Palmer. “With Commission our customers have the potential to create some of the most iconic and legendary Aston Martins of the future.”

Your move, 007.

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