If You Can Answer These 27 Interview Questions, You’ll Get All the Jobs

Caveat emptor: One involves fire hydrants. Seriously.

If You Can Answer These 27 Interview Questions, You’ll Get All the Jobs

If You Can Answer These 27 Interview Questions, You’ll Get All the Jobs

By Kirk Miller

Turns out pretending you already have the job isn’t the answer.

Glassdoor, a jobs and recruiting site, recently compiled 27 of the toughest job interview questions. The positions cover a myriad of industries, from data analyst to flight attendant to test operations engineer.

Some of our favorites:

The company suggests some obvious solutions when faced with difficult questions: research the company beforehand, practice answers in the mirror, stock up on questions to ask the interviewer and dress the part. Yawn. Better advice: Use Glassdoor’s “Search interview questions” feature to find out what people are asking at each company.

And if a job you covet has a reputation for tough interviews, take heart: according to Glassdoor’s chief economist, difficult job interviews lead to more satisfied employees. So everyone at Amazon must be f*cking delirious with joy.

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