Best of June

Best of June

Best of June

By The Editors

Your Hamptons Plans
So now that Blade is providing on-demand helicopters to the Hamptons, we figured we’d give you a heads up on the best new digs, grub and gear out that way for when you touch down. Check it out.

Airstream Speakeasy
Road Soda is a 1967 Airstream trailer fully retrofitted into a gleaming mobile speakeasy, crewed by a Death & Co. vet and Burning Man engineer. It’s available for parties. Check it out.

Of Boobs and Diving Bells
NYC shutterbug Victor Spinelli (of “Diver Up!” fame) now has a Chelsea gallery where he’s hawking his own killer pieces alongside snaps from his fellow artist cronies.  Check it out.

Antique Portraits … of You
Photography obsessives The Penumbra Foundation are now offering tintype portraiture sessions out of their massive facility on 30th St. Good enough for William H. Macy, good enough for you. Check it out.

Rooftop Drinking, Decoded
It’s summer. You sir, need a rooftop to drink on. Behold, NYC Rooftop Bars: The Official InsideHook Guide. All the rooftops best suited for whatever your imbibing needs may be. You’re welcome. Check it out.

And from our Dads n’ Cads Department:

The InsideHook Fatherhood Survey
We recently asked the fathers among you to tell us about your experiences as the paterfamilias. Gentlemen, we’re happy to report that the American dad is alive and well. See exactly how he’s faring in our State of the American Dad survey results.

Your World Cup Villains
The World Cup is played for pride. And where a man’s pride is on the line, there is desperation. Desperation compels a man to do uncouth things on a soccer pitch. On that note, meet The Seven (Most Likely) Villains of the World Cup.

Tom Cruise, Asshole
Tom Cruise tends to play assholes. Charlie Babbitt. Frank T.J. Mackey. Lestat. The dude’s a smithy of the a-hole arts. So to celebrate the release of his newest film, Edge of Tomorrow, we present The Tom Cruise Scale of A-hole-ish-ness.

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