Take a Tour of Barcelona Through the Eyes of Pro Skateboarders

Red Bull sends its team to shoot pros going haywire on Spanish city's streets

Take a Tour of Barcelona Through the Eyes of Pro Skateboarders

Take a Tour of Barcelona Through the Eyes of Pro Skateboarders

By Will Levith

Barcelona is one of the true capitals of modern art world. It’s almost as if the city were its own hyper-colorful, constantly morphing installation. Heck, Gaudí left his face-melting work everywhere—so why not let the younger generations take their shot at evoking similar awe?

As we’re fans of creative ways to tour the world, take a trip to Barcelona, courtesy of team Red Bull’s skateboarding pros.

See all the sights—in between massive ollies and other only-the-pros-can-land-them tricks above.

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