Taking Stock

Taking Stock

Taking Stock

By The Editors

Greed, it’s been said, is good.

You know what’s better? Free.

As in, buying and selling stocks for free, with Robinhood, taking sign-ups now.

“Our benefits are zero commissions for listed stocks, and a focus on mobile,” says a Robinhood rep.

Which means you get a zero-dollar way to buy and sell stocks, as opposed to the typical $8-$10 per trade.

All via three taps on a smartphone.

So, you ask, “How do they make money?” They don’t; not yet. They just have some big investors — Google, Andreesseen Horowitz — and a promise to offer more “premium services” in the future.

Before you get too Gekko on us, know that Robinhood isn’t getting you into the high-frequency, algorithmic world of Flash Boys.

This is consumer buying, plain and simple.

Sign-ups start now. You’ll get a beta invite “within a few weeks.”

Until then … Hey, Flash Boys is a really good read.

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